Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rhonda Bride-To-Be


It's about to go down! Rhonda Banks is finnah marry her long time love Tony Turner. On October 1, 2006 (her 31st birthday), Tony popped the question to my sister and shortly thereafter they were taking engagement photos (remember my blog about my adventures with the kids during the photo shoot). They are the proud parents of my "boo boo littles-- the kids I'm always talking about. I have so much to say about my sister Rhonda, where do I start? Well first, I just love how she looks in these photos (see photos below this post). I was bugging her for them so I could show them off. Her smile is incredible. Rhonda has a very quick wit or a great sense of humor. That is one thing I find we have somewhat in common. We both seem to have a way of finding "the joke" in very painful situations. We have an ability to critique ourselves then laugh at ourselves. I like that about Rhonda.

Another thing she and I have in common is we speak our minds (so we are told). We like truth--we are not into pretending or ignoring problems. So for someone uncomfortable with confronting root issues, hard questions or self-evaluation--we are the firing squad. To such we may come off as "nags," heck we may even be the worst thing that has ever happened to some people. LOL! We've also been described as "strong willed."

And on that note, God has taught us both a thing or two about our tongues and speaking more in season vs when our emotions rise. We've had our faces cracked real good--if you will. So a good bit of our strong wills are smoldering in ashes on God's altar. I'm delighted to see this breaking occuring in Rhonda too. But we ain't no PUNKS! lol!!! (JUST JIVING) We are delightful punks if Jesus tells us to be. LOL!

Which brings me to the next quality I love about Rhonda, she's proven to be brave. We almost lost Kynnedy in the early months of her life and the way she went through that amid other crushing dissappointments of heartbreak (going on at the same time) is remarkable. I also love that Rhonda is very focused and intelligent. I am 34 years old and can't seem to complete a bachelor's degree. But she as a single mom of four, has completed two degrees, a Master's Degree with honors and further certification, with what looked like ease. She is now a physical education teacher--with an entreprenurial bug nipping at her toes. Won't be too long before she too is in business for herself.

I admire her greatly for she is courageous and God-fearing. She is not only my sister, she is my friend. Now Tony is an awesome father. He's always been present in the lives of his kids. He too is extremely intelligent and responsible (He's an engineer). And is a great balance to Rhonda. He has a very mild and even demeanor--which is perfect for my sister's "vibrant" demeanor. I believe as they commit to seek and trust the Lord in their relationship, they will continue to discover how their differences really are wonderful compliments and the greatest asset to their union. I've seen them both grow as individuals tremendously and I'm excited about their future. Lord willing (and da creek don't rise) they plan to marry May 7, 2007.


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